Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado Manager Commentary


Hear directly from the Fund’s investment team as they discuss key factors driving the municipal bond market, including federal monetary policy, rising interest rates, inflation, and what they may mean at a local level for Colorado.

Aquila Funds Podcast

Length 11:00

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Aquila Funds

Tim Iltz

Co-Portfolio Manager & Credit Analyst
Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado

Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado Manager Commentary


Hear what’s driving the municipal bond market, including what’s happening in the State of Colorado, as Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado’s locally-based investment team provides valuable context and perspective.

Aquila Funds Podcast

Length 12:33

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Aquila Funds

Tim Iltz

Co-Portfolio Manager & Credit Analyst
Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado

Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado Manager Commentary


Lead portfolio manager Tim Iltz addresses key factors currently driving municipal bonds, including a unusual yield curve inversion, as well as supply/demand dynamics. Learn too about Colorado’s local economy, which continues to grow at pre-pandemic levels.

Aquila Funds Podcast

Length 11:32

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Aquila Funds

Tim Iltz

Co-Portfolio Manager & Credit Analyst
Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado

Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado Manager Commentary


Hear directly from the Fund’s investment team as they discuss key factors driving the municipal bond market, including federal monetary policy, rising interest rates, inflation, and what they may mean at a local level for Colorado.

Aquila Funds Podcast

Length 17:32

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Aquila Funds

Chris Johns

Lead Portfolio Manager
Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado

Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado Manager Commentary


Get first-hand views of what’s driving the municipal bond market from Chris Johns, portfolio manager of Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado. Chris discusses the latest market and economic developments, and provides valuable insights into the current environment compared with previous market cycles.

Aquila Funds Podcast

Length 14:02

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Aquila Funds

Chris Johns

Lead Portfolio Manager
Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado

Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado Manager Commentary


Get timely, relevant insights into important factors influencing municipal bonds, specifically, Colorado’s local economy, and muni bond issuers.

Aquila Funds Podcast

Length 14:14

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Aquila Funds

Chris Johns

Lead Portfolio Manager
Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado

Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado Manager Commentary


Get timely, relevant insights into important factors influencing municipal bonds, specifically, Colorado’s local economy, and muni bond issuers.

Aquila Funds Podcast

Length 19:27

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Aquila Funds

Chris Johns

Lead Portfolio Manager
Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado

Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado Manager Commentary

Aquila Funds Podcast

Length 9:58

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Aquila Funds

Chris Johns

Portfolio Manager
Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado

Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado Manager Commentary

Aquila Funds Podcast

Length 14:07

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Aquila Funds

Chris Johns

Portfolio Manager
Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado