Municipal Bond Funds

Changes to Aquila’s Municipal Bond Fund Class A Shares

Following are changes to the Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC) for Aquila Group of Funds’


Market & Economic Outlook

Municipal Market Complexity and New Issue Investing

One of the challenges municipal bond investors face when navigating the municipal bond market on


Our 35th Anniversary

I’ve Loved This Work from the Start

For our 35th anniversary series, Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado and Aquila Tax-Free Trust of


Our 35th Anniversary

Celebrating Our 35th Anniversary

Our History, People and Distinctive Strategy Lacy Herrmann, Aquila’s founder, was one of the earlier



Early tax returns are demonstrating the importance of tax-exempt income

Many Americans are anxious to find out what the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of


Municipal Bond Funds

Aquila Municipal Bond Funds Continue to Avoid Puerto Rico Debt

Each of the municipal bond funds offered in the Aquila Group of Funds adheres to


Municipal Bond Funds

The Essential Municipal Bond Market

Anthony Tanner, CFA®, Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager, Aquila Tax-Free Trust of Arizona Seldom


Municipal Bond Funds

Do the New Municipal Security Transaction Rules Affect You?

The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s (MSRB) proposed revisions to rules G-15 and G-30 were approved


Municipal Bond Funds

Pre-Refunded Bonds: A Quick Lesson

All seven of Aquila Group of Funds’ Single-State Municipal Bond Funds, which focus on high



Tax Reform 2017 – what does it mean for tax-exempt investments?

While the current tax reform proposal by the White House lacks details, the outline released
