Aquila Opportunity Growth Fund

Aquila Opportunity Growth Fund: Year in Review

The current investment team overseeing Aquila Opportunity Growth Fund celebrated its one-year anniversary managing the


Aquila High Income Fund

Aquila High Income Fund: Year in Review

The current investment team overseeing Aquila High Income Fund celebrated its one-year anniversary at the


Municipal Bond Funds

Municipal Bond Market Update from Aquila

Changing Market Cycles: Adding Context and Perspective An increase in interest rates that had been


Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado

Colorado Bond Measure Election Results

Preliminary results from the November 2022 Colorado general election were a mixed bag for the


Aquila Tax-Free Trust of Oregon

Oregon’s Bond Measure Election Results

Preliminary results indicate that Oregon residents approved $1.45 billion in new bond measures across the


Aquila Tax-Free Fund of Colorado

School Enrollment and Its Impact on Funding

Each year, October 1st is the day that Colorado counts students to determine the per-pupil



2022 Colorado Bond Election Preview

On November 8, 2022, Colorado voters will be faced with approximately $1.3 billion of K-12



Aquila Recognizes and Honors Retired Trustee, John W. Mitchell

At Aquila Group of Funds, the hallmark of our time-tested municipal bond fund strategy has


Municipal Bond Funds

Mutual Funds and Yield Calculations

Investors looking for an income-producing investment may choose to invest in mutual funds that can


Press Room

The Lowdown on High-Yield Bonds

David Schiffman, Lead Portfolio Manager of Aquila High Income Fund, was a featured guest on
